Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mari Membuat SUSHI...- DAPUR NIA

Posted by Nia at 4:29 PM
aku sangat suka sushi, kebtulan di majalah Nova dibahas cara bikin sushi, ternyata gampang cara buatnya lho..


Bahan :
100gr Nasi Sushi
3/4 lbr Yaki Nori (Rumput Laut Kering)
3gr Mayones
20gr Salmon Segar
50gr Alpukat
30gr Unagi Panggang

Cara Membuat :
1. Letakkan Yaki Nori diatas makisu (cetakan bambu) yang sudah dialasi plastik.
2. Kemudian letakkan nasi sushi, diatas yaki nori, ratakan. setelah rata, yaki nori yang berisi nasi tersebut dibalik. tambahkan mayones dan salmon, kemudian gulung hingga padat dan merata.
3. Letakkan alpukat yang sudah diiris tipis diatas gulungan nasi, ratakan sambil ditekan supaya alpukat menempel dengan lekat. potong sesuai dengan selera.
4. Terakhir letakkan potongan unagi diatas potongan nasi. Siapkan dengan wasabi, shoyu dan gari.


Bahan :
1kg Beras Jepang
1,8lt Air
150ml Mitsukan Sushi Vinegar (Cuka Beraas Jepang)
25gr Garam
50gr Gula Pasir

Cara Membuat :
1. Cuci bersih beras, lalu tiriskan dengan saringan selama 15 menit.
2. Masak dengan air selama 45 menit atau sampai matang. Angkat.
3. Campur mitsukan sushi vinegar, garam dan gula pasir aduk rata.
4. Masukan campuran nomor 3 kedalam nasi panas, sambil diaduk rata, kipas sampai uap hilang dan menjadi dingin. Nasi sushi siap diolah.

nah, dari contoh ini kita bisa buat aneka kreasi sushi sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.. selamat mencoba,,

                                        UNAGI ROLL

• Unagi1.5 oz

• English Cucumber0.5 oz
• Avocado0.5 oz
• Rice (Sushi ready)2.6 oz
• Nori (Toasted seaweed)0.5 sheets
(Will make one roll)

  • First prepare your rice follow these directions. While the rice is cooking continue with your preparations.
  • Cover a bamboo sushi mat roller with plastic wrap. Wrap it vertically then horizontally with the ends meeting each other to the back. The back of the mat is rounded, the front of the mat is flat.
  • Peel an avocado and cut in half, remove the pit, then continue cutting the halves into quarters then into strips.
  • Cut off one end of the english cucumber then cut a 3 ½ inch section from the end. Now, cut this section in half length wise then into quarters. Put the quarter pieces flat down on the cutting board and slice off the seeds. Now, cut the quarter pieces into thin strips (if you need more english cucumber then repeat these steps).
  • Remove unagi from packaging and cut the unagi fillet down the center separating the two halves. Looking at one half vertically start cutting 45 degree angle 1 ½ inch cuts. Cover a cookie sheet with tin foil and place the cut unagi pieces on top. Set your oven to broil and place the sheet into the oven. The unagi is pre-cooked. So, you will only leave the unagi in the oven until pieces are warm.

Rolling Directions
Put a ½ sheet of dried seaweed (nori) on top of the mat. Place your hands under running water, pull them away and gently clap them together to remove excess water. Softly grab a small baseball sized [10 cm] ball of prepared sushi rice. Lightly place the ball to the left side of the nori and carefully spread the rice evenly from end to end covering the entire sheet. When looking at the rice you wat to see the individual grains not a pressed block of rice. Lightly sprinkle sesame seeds over the sushi rice. Optionally, you can thinly spread masago (smelt egg) over the rice for added color and flavor. Flip the sushi layer over so that the seaweed is on top and the rice is on the bottom. At the edge closest to you place a line of avocado, english cucumber, and then unagi lengthwise onto the seaweed with no more than 1/3 of the nori covered (warning, if you exceed this amount then your roll may not come together). Place your thumbs under the bamboo mat with remaining fingers on top of the ingredients. Lift your thumbs up with the mat and roll it forward with remaining fingers lightly holding the ingredients in place until the mat end touches the nori. Pay attention to not squish the rice. Now give it a soft squeeze in the middle and on the ends, gently creating the roll into a square shape. Follow this rolling process 1 to 2 more times until you have a cylinder-shaped sushi roll. Remove the rolled sushi from the mat.

Cut & Serve
Cut the sushi roll into 6 or 8 pieces. Your knife must be sharp and moistened so the rice will not stick to it. Place the tip of your knife into water. Lift your knife up vertically so the water rolls down the sharpened edge to the handle. Place your roll onto a cutting board and cut your roll in half. Make sure that your cuts are quick. Place the tip of the knife onto the roll at a forward angle, quickly cut forward and then back until it finally meets the cutting board. Bring the two halves together side by side and then slice the halves to make either 6 or 8 pieces.  Turn the pieces up onto their ends and arrange them into two even rows. Remeber presentation is very important with sushi so make sure it looks good to the eye. Now you are ready to serve.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mari Membuat SUSHI...- DAPUR NIA

aku sangat suka sushi, kebtulan di majalah Nova dibahas cara bikin sushi, ternyata gampang cara buatnya lho..


Bahan :
100gr Nasi Sushi
3/4 lbr Yaki Nori (Rumput Laut Kering)
3gr Mayones
20gr Salmon Segar
50gr Alpukat
30gr Unagi Panggang

Cara Membuat :
1. Letakkan Yaki Nori diatas makisu (cetakan bambu) yang sudah dialasi plastik.
2. Kemudian letakkan nasi sushi, diatas yaki nori, ratakan. setelah rata, yaki nori yang berisi nasi tersebut dibalik. tambahkan mayones dan salmon, kemudian gulung hingga padat dan merata.
3. Letakkan alpukat yang sudah diiris tipis diatas gulungan nasi, ratakan sambil ditekan supaya alpukat menempel dengan lekat. potong sesuai dengan selera.
4. Terakhir letakkan potongan unagi diatas potongan nasi. Siapkan dengan wasabi, shoyu dan gari.


Bahan :
1kg Beras Jepang
1,8lt Air
150ml Mitsukan Sushi Vinegar (Cuka Beraas Jepang)
25gr Garam
50gr Gula Pasir

Cara Membuat :
1. Cuci bersih beras, lalu tiriskan dengan saringan selama 15 menit.
2. Masak dengan air selama 45 menit atau sampai matang. Angkat.
3. Campur mitsukan sushi vinegar, garam dan gula pasir aduk rata.
4. Masukan campuran nomor 3 kedalam nasi panas, sambil diaduk rata, kipas sampai uap hilang dan menjadi dingin. Nasi sushi siap diolah.

nah, dari contoh ini kita bisa buat aneka kreasi sushi sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.. selamat mencoba,,

                                        UNAGI ROLL

• Unagi1.5 oz

• English Cucumber0.5 oz
• Avocado0.5 oz
• Rice (Sushi ready)2.6 oz
• Nori (Toasted seaweed)0.5 sheets
(Will make one roll)

  • First prepare your rice follow these directions. While the rice is cooking continue with your preparations.
  • Cover a bamboo sushi mat roller with plastic wrap. Wrap it vertically then horizontally with the ends meeting each other to the back. The back of the mat is rounded, the front of the mat is flat.
  • Peel an avocado and cut in half, remove the pit, then continue cutting the halves into quarters then into strips.
  • Cut off one end of the english cucumber then cut a 3 ½ inch section from the end. Now, cut this section in half length wise then into quarters. Put the quarter pieces flat down on the cutting board and slice off the seeds. Now, cut the quarter pieces into thin strips (if you need more english cucumber then repeat these steps).
  • Remove unagi from packaging and cut the unagi fillet down the center separating the two halves. Looking at one half vertically start cutting 45 degree angle 1 ½ inch cuts. Cover a cookie sheet with tin foil and place the cut unagi pieces on top. Set your oven to broil and place the sheet into the oven. The unagi is pre-cooked. So, you will only leave the unagi in the oven until pieces are warm.

Rolling Directions
Put a ½ sheet of dried seaweed (nori) on top of the mat. Place your hands under running water, pull them away and gently clap them together to remove excess water. Softly grab a small baseball sized [10 cm] ball of prepared sushi rice. Lightly place the ball to the left side of the nori and carefully spread the rice evenly from end to end covering the entire sheet. When looking at the rice you wat to see the individual grains not a pressed block of rice. Lightly sprinkle sesame seeds over the sushi rice. Optionally, you can thinly spread masago (smelt egg) over the rice for added color and flavor. Flip the sushi layer over so that the seaweed is on top and the rice is on the bottom. At the edge closest to you place a line of avocado, english cucumber, and then unagi lengthwise onto the seaweed with no more than 1/3 of the nori covered (warning, if you exceed this amount then your roll may not come together). Place your thumbs under the bamboo mat with remaining fingers on top of the ingredients. Lift your thumbs up with the mat and roll it forward with remaining fingers lightly holding the ingredients in place until the mat end touches the nori. Pay attention to not squish the rice. Now give it a soft squeeze in the middle and on the ends, gently creating the roll into a square shape. Follow this rolling process 1 to 2 more times until you have a cylinder-shaped sushi roll. Remove the rolled sushi from the mat.

Cut & Serve
Cut the sushi roll into 6 or 8 pieces. Your knife must be sharp and moistened so the rice will not stick to it. Place the tip of your knife into water. Lift your knife up vertically so the water rolls down the sharpened edge to the handle. Place your roll onto a cutting board and cut your roll in half. Make sure that your cuts are quick. Place the tip of the knife onto the roll at a forward angle, quickly cut forward and then back until it finally meets the cutting board. Bring the two halves together side by side and then slice the halves to make either 6 or 8 pieces.  Turn the pieces up onto their ends and arrange them into two even rows. Remeber presentation is very important with sushi so make sure it looks good to the eye. Now you are ready to serve.

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